Your emotions ARE ENERGETIC messengers

We are human and with that comes a world of feelings, sensations and emotions. The truth is there is nothing bad or wrong about experiencing sadness, anxiety, hurt, depression, confusion, uncertainty etc. Throughout life we will continue to experience difficult and painful emotions because we will continue to experience change and loss.

Problems, tension and internal conflict arise when we become overtaken by our pain and discomfort and try to avoid, ignore and suppress it in hopes of feeling better.

Distracting yourself and numbing your pain is not the same thing as experiencing pleasure. When we can connect with the truth of our pain, give voice to it and release the energy of it from our beings, we create more space within ourselves to experience deeper levels of enjoyment, liberation and love.

You are not broken & therefore you do not need to be fixed

What does your life look like when you no longer navigate it with fear, guilt, shame, anger, depression, abandonment, emptiness, resentment, anxiety and self-neglect in the driver’s seat?

We have been taught since very young that our pain, discomfort and upset are bad, unacceptable and a problem. We aren’t taught how to process those difficult and sometimes scary emotions so we use whatever tools are available to us in an attempt to alleviate our pain. In this constant loop of experiencing pain and trying to get rid of it, we become disconnected from our emotional truths and ourselves.

Who are you beyond the trauma you experienced and the stories you tell yourself about it? Who are you without the guilt, shame and resentment? Who are you when you have the space to express yourself honestly without having to pretend you are okay?

In this program you and I will work together to uncover and release your unresolved pains and emotions so that you can become more emotionally complete and secure.

The relationships we can have with animals is something that is many times difficult to fully explain and is often a relationship that society tends to attach a lot of criticism and judgement to.

At a basic level our pets can be a source of safety and unconditional love. The loss of a pet to either death, a rehoming situation, or any other circumstance often results in myriad of conflicting and painful feelings that tend to have us feeling alone and misunderstood.

In this program you and I will work together to discover and process the stored feelings and emotions you have regarding the loss of your pet so that you can become emotionally complete with that relationship and unique heartbreak.

We want the children in our lives to be honest with us, yet as adults we often unintentionally encourage dishonesty by not providing the space and skills to help the youth process their sad and painful emotions in supportive and healing ways.

Pain, trauma and stress are not solely an adult experience, but a human experience that begins in our childhood and accumulates over time. This program is for adults to learn how to break the unhelpful and damaging cycles of emotional pain and better support the children in your life, whether personal or professional.

The best gift we can give our children is the tools to help them learn how to live more emotionally intelligent and healthy lives.